Everyday magic

I’m at the end of my second week of an online photography class called Everyday Magic, taught by Tammy Strobel of Rowdy Kittens. I thought it would be fun to learn something about composition and lighting, and figure out how to get better photos from my phone, since that’s the camera I always have with me. And maybe the things I learn from taking pictures with my phone will translate to the “big camera” which I only tend to pull out when we’re on holiday. Also, I like the idea of learning to see the magic in everyday life.

Anyway, I thought I’d share a handful of my favorites from the first week.

If you’d like to see more, I’m posting on my Tumblr page every day, and the odd one on Instagram too.


13 comments on “Everyday magic
  1. That is key, in my (photo)book — seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary. That’s why I’ve always preferred “straight” documentary photography over the conceptual movement that gained so much cachet through the so-called Vancouver School.

    Some people have called my photography “boring” (and maybe some are) but as I explore and print my archive of 30+ y/o “vintage” negatives, I sometimes surprise myself that I saw some banal thing or scene that was/is iconic.

    Keep exploring, Jenny. Seeing is believing.

  2. lakatacat says:

    Your photos are excellent Jenny. Another talent of yours!!!

  3. Chris says:

    Love your photos Jenny and thank you for sharing the information for the class and for Rowdy Kittens web site. I also like the new look of your website.

    • Jenny says:

      Thanks Chris! The class is lots of fun – we’re sharing photos in a private Facebook group, so it’s neat to see what everyone else is doing and talk about what we like about each picture. Glad you like the new theme too!

  4. You have a really good eye for composition Jenny. I”m impressed!

    • Jenny says:

      Thanks Judy 🙂 The phone definitely presents some limitations, but it’s fun to figure out what it does well and what it doesn’t do so well. I like playing around with the depth of field.

  5. photoleaper says:

    Love these photos! Particularly the car and the rose. And every day magic!!

    • Jenny says:

      Thanks Kathy 🙂 I’m curious to see how my photos change over the length of the course. I’m already looking at things in a different way and noticing textures and shadows I hadn’t being paying attention to before.

  6. So how can I get the fabulous first dog picture (that came to me via tumbler in my email) up onto my facebook page (with a link to your tumbler site/web page) oh facebook guru?

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